Facilities - The Anechoic Chamber

The 3D3A Lab is equipped with a highly reconfigurable anechoic chamber that was built in-house and that has adjustable/removable walls which can be moved on casters. It measures w: 3.0 m, l: 3.5 m, and h: 2.2 m. The walls, floor, and ceiling are covered with 1-foot x 1-foot melamine square wedges. The wedges are 8 inches deep and give the chamber a cutoff frequency of 425 Hz. The chamber is lit with strings of green diode lights that give it a pleasant ambiance. The lighting and the fact that the chamber is not soundproof, make it a pleasant environment for human test subjects.

Two binaural (dummy head) microphones are available for measurements in the anechoic chamber and the listening room. The first is Fritz, a Neumann KU 100:

and the second is Lars, a B&K Type 4100 (datasheet):

mannequin in the anechoic chamber being centered with a laser level